SYNOPSIS: A desperate woman embarks on a journey to find a life-saving bullet, seeking to reverse the tragic death of her daughter, but the only way to do that is through the man who revived her murderer.
Outside The Spotlight says: For a film that is "no budget", 'White Demise' presents itself with an ominous intrigue that many Hollywood films cannot. A highly intriguing premise with what look like fantastic performances. This is one we'll be keeping a close eye on!
Daeil Kim: Director Daeil Kim: Writer Melanie Sudyn: Writer Daeil Kim: Story by Melanie Sudyn: Producer John Spencer: Producer Daeil Kim: Producer Kelly MacDougall: Key Cast, “Samantha Grey” L.J. Sams: Key Cast, “Barry Syput” John Spencer Key Cast, “Cal Owens” Logan Spaschak: Key Cast, “Dash” Yaz GeorgiaKey Cast, “Anessa”